
January 29, 2012

SpringLeaf; the meaning of a name

Spring: noun
1.  the season after winter and before summer when new growth begins to appear.
A new season in my life after kids have left home and new possibilities begin to appear.
2.  a resilient device, typically a metal coil, that can be pressed or pulled but returns to its former shape when released.
My creative spirit is ready to be pushed and pulled in new directions.

Spring: verb
1.  to move suddenly upward or forward from a constrained position.
I’m ready to move forward with all my ideas.
2.  to originate or appear suddenly or unexpectedly.
I’ve appeared from nowhere as the new kid on the blog block and I want to make new friends.

she sprang from nowhere. 
there was a spring in her step; energy, liveliness.
the spring from which her emotions poured; origin, source, basis.

Leaf: noun
1.  a flattened thin structure of a plant.
hmmm . . . sounds kind of like a quilt.
2.  an extra section or extension.
The empty nest time is like an extension in my life.

Leaf: verb 
1.  to put out new leaves.
2.  to turn over 

Turn over a new leaf; reform, improve, make a fresh start, change for the better.

SpringLeaf: noun/verb
A new season to spring forward with new life by turning a new leaf and making a fresh start. 

That’s a mouthful, but it’s exactly how I feel. I’m anxious to explore new ways of creating. I look forward to bringing new quilts to life from the fabrics and sketches that constantly spring up in my studio.

Did I mention I love leaves? 
Leaves have been one of the signature elements I've used for years to decorate my home. See what I mean . . .

And even more leafy dishes.

Yes, even the carpet has leaves on it. This is in the master bedroom and I love it!

And of course I have lots of leafy fabrics. Eveything from traditional to modern.

Hope you've enjoyed this little insight into the origins of SpringLeaf Studios. Please come back to visit again.

January 17, 2012

My Name is Anne

Hi! My name is Anne and I am a fabriholic. I’ve been a fabriholic for many years now and thought it was about time I came out of the dark and shared my passion and obsession.

For the past few years, I’ve just been quietly quilting away. Alone in my studio, just me and my kitty, content to play with fabrics and dream up new ideas. 

It’s only just recently that I’ve become aware that the rest of you exist. People like me, who share a love of color, design and the modern edge to quilting. It’s very inspiring to see such creative work being done and shared and I am very excited to become a part of it all. 

So for the new year I’m going to take a leap of faith and join the quilting blogosphere. As I sit in my studio surrounded by all this lovely fabric just beckoning to be used, I want to turn a new leaf for 2012 and share my quilting world with you. I plan to get busy and actually make many of the quilts that live only in my sketchbook and use much of the fabric that lives on my shelves. Every time I look at the fabric I’m inspired and every time I sketch I’m inspired. Now it’s time to bring sketches and fabrics together into finished quilts. I also hope to publish a few patterns and get an Etsy site up and going. This is my year of doing.  

Welcome to SpringLeaf Studios. A new adventure for me and my obsession. I hope you’ll join me on my journey.

PS  I welcome any advice and wisdom you care to share about blogging, publishing, selling and quilting in general.

January 9, 2012

A New Leaf

I'm turning a new leaf for 2012 and joining the blogosphere.