
September 26, 2012

WIP Wednesday

These WIP Wednesdays sure do come up awfully fast. The weeks are just flying by. With the end of September just around the corner I thought it finally time I got serious about the quilt(s) I'd like to submit for QuiltCon. The deadline is the end of November. You can get all the info here if you are thinking of entering a quilt or two.

I've pulled these fabrics from my stash to put to use in the first quilt I plan to make.

Won't be showing too much here on the blog but here's a little hint of what's in store.

  • it's definitely modern
  • it's an idea I've had for some time now
  • it's minimal in design
  • I'm having fun trying something new
Are you planning to enter a quilt for the QuiltCon next February?


  1. Your quilt fabrics look great! The design is intriguing! I wish I had time to submit something, and really if I did I don't think it would be good enough. Still learning! :)

  2. I am intrigued...can't wait to see this as it progresses! Good luck with the show!


WaHoo!!! You're leaving me a comment. Thanks for stopping by and do come back again. Quilt on, Anne.