
January 20, 2016

Pattern Writing Series

Cheryl over at Meadow Mist Designs just started a new blog series about how to write a quilt pattern. She'll be covering all you need to know over the next several weeks concluding with a free pattern and some great pattern giveaways.

If you've ever thought about writing your own pattern or are just curious about how it's done I hope you'll follow along with Cheryl. It's going to be an excellent series. You can find the posts here.

As part of the event, Cheryl invited 6 other pattern designers, including yours truly, to weigh in on various topics each week. We'll be discussing things like inspiration, design tools and software programs as well as many other topics. Next week I'll be writing a special post for the series on which comes first, the fabric or the design. I hope you'll join me. Hop over now and learn more about the panelists. Meadow Mist Designs.



  1. Thanks for spreading the word and for all of your help with the series!

  2. Really looking forward to this series and hearing from all of you fabulous designers!

  3. I met Cheryl last year at QuiltCon--what a great series!


WaHoo!!! You're leaving me a comment. Thanks for stopping by and do come back again. Quilt on, Anne.