
May 31, 2018

Being Creative Beyond Quilting

Wow! The end of May already. Looks like I've become a once-a-month blogger. But you know what?
I'm totally ok with that. Even though I haven't been very active on social media, that doesn't mean I'm not creating. Being creative is in my blood and I get rather antsy if I'm not making or designing.

For the last several years my creativity has been mostly focused on quilting with a few other things thrown in from time to time. Last year at this time I was completely absorbed with our daughter's wedding and all things related.

Besides the wedding itself, we did a lot of things around the house in anticipation of having guests. Nothing lights a fire to finish those long planned home improvements like knowing company will soon be arriving. Know what I mean? Of course we didn't come close to getting all the projects done but at least we got some of them done. Mainly the new guest room which I blogged about here.

The time spent doing non-quilty things made me realize I had become too focused on only one thing. Namely quilting. I tend to do that. Get so absorbed in something that it's all or nothing. I'm simply not very good at balancing multiple activities at once. Unless of course it's scrolling IG and Pinterest while watching Netflix. I can't just watch TV. 

Today is a non-quilty post. It's all about making a wedding scrapbook for my daughter and her hubby. I thought I'd share a few of the spreads I have finished. It's been so much fun reliving the wedding while making a book for them.



My daughter comes over once a week and we craft together. While I work on the wedding album, she's doing their honeymoon. Bit by bit, page by page, we're making progress.






Once the wedding book is done, I plan to continue by working on baby books for both my kids. Seeing as how they are all grown up now, it's about time don't you think? 

I'm still quilting and sewing a little. But truthfully, I just haven't felt inspired to quilt lately. Lots of ideas. Just not the motivation. So I'm going with my creative flow wherever it may lead. I see hiking in the mountains next on my agenda. Hiking is creative for me because being out in nature is always inspiring.

What other creative things do you enjoy? Do you scrapbook? If not, how do you preserve special memories? Do tell. I'd like to know.


  1. That scrapbook is a real treasure. I do not do it, but love seeing them. Have fun with your creativity.

  2. I so love this post--keep it up with showing us ALL parts of your creative life. Your blog is yours, so fill it with things you like (even hiking, which makes me jealous). That scrapbook is lovely, and reminds me so much of the wedding--all green and fresh and lovely. Have a great weekend!

  3. What a gorgeous scrapbook! I never considered myself a creative person until I discovered quilting about 4 years ago. But I always enjoyed decorating our home, so I guess that was a creative outlet :)

  4. The wedding book is going to hold all those wonderful memories close Anne! It's beautiful! I put all my holiday photos together in a digitally produced book. I have ones from France, Tasmania and even our recent little South Australian roadtrip. My other creative pursuits include knitting and sewing clothes. One day I would like to get back to water colour painting which I have dabbled in previously.

  5. Looks like you're having a super creative time with wedding scrap books, lovely photos.
    Enjoy your hiking adventures!

  6. I can see, Anne, that you'll never stop being creative, and these wedding book pages prove it. They're really gorgeous! Everyone should be so lucky to have you in their family, to put memories into such a beautiful package. I admire your ability to do that, and all the "stash" you must have to be able to create so well. I'm glad you've found your perfect happy place, being and doing as you wish. Enjoy the good stuff!

  7. Your scrap book is wonderful, I love how you incorporated all of the designs, pictures and memorabilia together.


WaHoo!!! You're leaving me a comment. Thanks for stopping by and do come back again. Quilt on, Anne.