
November 21, 2013

Giveaway / Quilter's Blog Hop Party

Welcome to my blog if you are hopping over to visit as part of the Quilter's Blog Hop Party. 
Thanks to Michele for hosting this great event!  There are some great giveaways happening. 
Who knows . . . maybe you will be one of the lucky winners! 

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

While you're visiting, please do wander around a little to get a feel for my style. I sometimes go modern, sometimes more traditional, but the one thing you can always count on is lots of color and strong design elements. I just love color, design and all things quilty.  : )

Since I just recently returned from my first time at Quilt Market in Houston, I am giving away my own version of a mini market swag bag of goodies to 1 lucky follower. 

Here's what's in the grouping:
  • 1 mini charm pack (2 1/2" squares) of Carolyn Friedlander's brand new fabric line "Botanics" from Robert Kaufman.
  • 1 mini charm pack of Kate Spain's new fabric line "Daydream" from Moda.
  • 1 copy of the Nov/Dec issue of Quilty magazine presented by Fons and Porter
  • 1 copy of the Nov/Dec issue of American Quilter magazine
  • 1 copy of Modern Patchwork magazine
  • your choice of one of my current patterns in a PDF download format emailed directly to you. You can see more about my patterns here.
That's $46.00 worth of goodies!!

For a chance to win, simply become one of my followers by email, RSS or Bloglovin and leave a comment telling me how you chose to follow. I'd also love to know what type of quilter you consider yourself to be. Modern, contemporary, traditional?  Winner will be announced here Nov 27th and receive an email notification. US/Canada only please.

Thanks for stopping by. I sincerely hope you'll make Springleaf Studios one of your regular blog stops. 
I will be releasing new patterns the first of the year with more to follow throughout 2014. 

I'm also linking up with Cindy at Live a Colorful Life for Really Random Thursdays

Good luck and happy hopping.

Follow on Bloglovin


  1. I am already a follower of your blog and I follow via Bloglovin. I have never thought of what type of quilter I am . So I would call my self a Contemporary

  2. Hello - I am a GFC follower. I think your giveaway package is awesome! I consider myself a modern/contemporary quilter with some traditional snippets!! Clear as mud? Yup!

  3. I follow via GFC, hope that counts. I wouldn't classify myself as any one particular style of quilter, but I would describe myself as an ENTHUSIASTIC quilter! Just can't get enough. Fantastic swag, thanks for the chance to win.

  4. I follow via GFC. I would call myself a modern quilter, but I'm pretty relaxed about the definition of modern. I just love to quilt and look at quilts. Love your pictures from Houston. Looks like you had a great time.

  5. I am an 'everykind' of quilter. Definitely not just making quilts in a certain style.

  6. I am a follower, as well, via feedly

  7. I follow you through my Blogger reader (and maybe Bloglovin' also, there's some overlap).
    Quilting type: cross-category sprawler? quirky individualist? evolutionary?
    Still trying to come up with something succinct that fits.

  8. Hi Anne, I follow your blog via email and love it. I consider myself a Modern/Traditional quilter. I've been sewing since I was 12 yrs. old - and that was over 50 yrs ago! I've been a quilter for the past 20-some yrs. now. Love the modern ideas that are drawing young people into "our" world. Thanks and keep up the good work!

  9. I'm now following you via Bloglovin. I saw a picture of "Cascade" somewhere (I can't remember where) and said '"OHH" out loud because it was so beautiful. It's nice to visit your blog and get acquainted with the creator! Thanks for the awesome giveaway too!

  10. Following you on GFC and feedly! I think I'm kind of a mishmash of modern and traditional.

  11. I follow via Bloglovin. I am a new quiter started by making my niece one and just love all the fabrics and patterns

  12. Hi! I'm a new follower through Bloglovin. I'm so envious, I'd love to go to quilt market someday. You must have had the time of your life. ;-> Toni Anne

  13. I follow on email - just signed up recently after discovering you and have already truly enjoyed your photos from the quilt market. I kept your site open for several days to peek at the exhibit booths again!

  14. I'm a new follower via email. Looks like a fun blog you have here! I'd consider myself more of a modern quilter, but I guess I like lots of stuff.

  15. I'm a new follower and strictly a modern quilter. I can't wait for the Botanics line!

  16. Lovely give away, thank you. Well, I already follow and read your blog in Feedly but I have clicked to follow you on Bloglovin too.

  17. Fun pile of goodies there. I already follow in my blogger dashboard ; )

  18. I follow you on Bloglovin'. Great giveaway!

  19. I follow via bloglovin, thank you so much for the giveaway, I'd love to get my hands on those magazines!

  20. Great giveaway!! I follow you by e-mail & Bloglovin. Thanks for the chance to win!

  21. I already follow your blog via Netvibes. Thanks for lovely giveaway. I am a quilter that hpoes she will have more time after retirement!

  22. Thanks for the giveaway! I am a new Google Friend :) and I am a "fandom" quilter: anything with disney or similar has to become a quilted object for me!

  23. I am a new follower on Bloglovin and consider myself a traditional quilter who also like to dabble in the Modern movement!

  24. I'm a new follower on Bloglovin. I would say I'm probably a contemporary quilter. Thanks for your generous giveaway.

  25. I follow you with Feedly. I have a hard time fitting into any one quilting category ... I'm more of an omnivore of quilting–I like it all ;-)

  26. I'm already a follower with Bloglovin'. I'm a traditional modern quilter, which makes me contemporary? The definitions keep changing. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  27. I'm a modern quilter and now I follow you via Bloglovin. Thanks!

  28. Following through bloglovin. I like to think of myself as a modern quilter.

  29. Happy to be a Google follower. I am a traditional quilter who really likes modern quilts. Thanks for the opportunity.

  30. I'm a new email follower! I am definitely a new quilter, and it's the modern quilting style that got me interested (but I am a long-time sewer). Looking forward to much inspiration!

  31. I am a happy new follower via GFC! I am a quilter....I feel trapped when I have to define my style...really depends what mood I am in when I start a new project....I just love quilting! :)

  32. i follow via bloglovin. i consider myself a traditional quilter, but the modern patterns and fabrics are pretty darn impressive.

  33. I follow ya via feedly. Thanks! :) I tend to gravitate toward more modern quilts, but I do love some very traditional ones as well. I like what I like :)

  34. I am following with bloglovin' I enjoyed looking around your blog. As to what kind of quilter I am I whould have to go about half way inbetween modern and traditional but always in bright colors

  35. i already follow on bloglovin. i like modern and traditional.

  36. I follow by bloglovin I think I am more traditional.

  37. I follow with bloglovin. The modern quilts are speaking to me.
    Thanks for the marvelous giveaway.

  38. I am a new follower via bloglovin. I'm a bit of everything!

  39. Following via bloglovin. That looks like a really fun stash. I would have to consider myself a modern quilter. However, I am a new quilter, so I have time to be persuaded. :)

  40. I used to just follow you via bookmark but I went and upgraded to Bloglovin now. Thanks!

  41. I am a new follower by bloglovein. I like to think I am a little of all three styles although I do like Modern the best.

  42. I am now following you on Bloglovin. I am too new to quilting to say what type quilter I am. I love both the traditional and the modern quilts. I'll just have to see how things evolve...maybe I'll just continue to stay on both sides.
    Rae (

  43. I'm following you on Bloglovin', too. I'd call myself a "melting pot" kind of quilter. I love it all and don't really stick to any one style!

  44. Hello: I've been a follower for a while on Google but added Bloglovin just now. I love applique' and design for that, as well as embroidery. I'm always sewing a sample for a pattern. Right now, we've been asked to do some designs for some wool kit makers in our neck of the woods. Please stop by Prairie Cottage Corner and chat when you have a minute. We can have a warm cup of something and a scone. See you.

  45. Awesome giveaway. Thank you so much. I am a new follower through Bloglovin and I would say that I am a traditional quilter.

  46. Wonderful giveaway. I consider myself a traditional quilter with occasional modern fabrics. I follow via RSS Feeds.



  49. I guess I am traditional trying to become more modern. Love your giveaway. thanks.

  50. I signed up to follow via email. I am a beginning modern traditionalist quilter.

  51. Hi, I am a New Quilter from Oklahoma, USA. I am having a lot of fun trying all types of quilting. Like the Modern Quilts though ... More expressive. Follow you on bloglovin and e-mail. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  52. I am a traditional quilter! thank you for the giveaway. I follow - bloglovn'!

  53. Following through RSS - I consider myself a modern quilter! Thanks for the giveaway - those two mini charm packs are the two lines I'm most looking forward to!

  54. I follow with bloglovin - and I haven't categorized myself yet!

  55. I follow you via the old reader. Thanks for the chance!

  56. I signed up to follow you via email. I look forward to keeping in touch! I am more of a traditional quilter but have my eyes on some newer designs!

  57. I have just become a follower via email. Most of my quilts have been traditional but lately I have been drawn to the colors and patterns of modern quilts.

  58. What an amazing giveaway package! I just became a new bloglovin' follower. I'd say I lean more towards modern quilting.

  59. email subscriber...I am an eclectic quilter - a little bit of all that you mentioned...Michigan address ready

    pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
    Pink Scissors Design on Etsy

  60. I now follow by email. I consider myself to be a traditional quilter. Thanks.

  61. I follow via GFC and not sure what to consider myself.. I like modern and traditional quilts.

  62. Follow by email and Bloglovin. I know I'm a beginner traditional quilter. Love the giveaway. Would be pleased to win this. Thank you

  63. I'm a new follower via Bloglovin. I like both modern and traditional quilts. Thanks for the giveaway.

  64. What a fabulous giveaway! I am following you with blog lovin.'

  65. I'm a modern girl following you through Bloglovin. Thanks for participating in the blog hop.

  66. Your work is awesome! Now following on bloglovin. I love modern quilts, but I also love some traditional quilts, so I fall in the middle somewhere!

  67. I follow by GFC and am a somewhat modern quilter!

  68. Hello, thanks for a chance to wing a wonderful give away. I signed up to follow you via bloglovin

  69. Hi -signed up via bloglovin
    All new to me - very exciting
    Great giveaways -ta!

  70. Great giveaway and I follow you with BlogLovin. I am a traditional with a touch of modern quilter!

  71. This is an amazing giveaway! I'm a new follower on bloglovin. I've only been quilting a year and I'm not sure what type of quilter I am. Probably more traditional with some contemporary FMQing.

  72. Love your patterns, thanks for sharing your ideas, I am a new quilter so I quess I'm traditional

  73. I follow on Bloglovin. I would say I'm a beginning modern Quilter!

  74. I follow by email. hmm type of quilter...I would say a mix but leaning towards more modern.

  75. I consider myself a traditional quilter. I follow by email.

  76. Modernitional:) quilter here! I follow on bloglovin'.

  77. I follow via e-mail. I don't think I can box myself in with one type of quilt. I love them all.

  78. Lovely giveaway! I am following you via Feedly and I'm pretty eclectic in my quilting and even more so in my interests. Love fabric of all kinds!

  79. I am a beginner and I tend to like the modern quilts better, and I follow on bloglovin.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  80. I follow on bloglovin. I don't know that I fall into any category of quilter because I like a variety of styles.

  81. I follow by email. I am a traditional quilter but I so enjoy looking at the modern quilts. One day I will try one.

  82. I'm a modern quilter and have been following you via GFC for a while. Thanks!

  83. Love the giveaway. Thanks for the chance:) I am a new bloglovin follower

  84. Following with bloglovin. Thanks for the give-away.

  85. I am more traditional, but just did a fun modern tablerunner today. Thanks for chance to win. Following in GFC.

  86. Hi Anne, I follow you through bloglovin'. Although I'm fairly new to quilting, I go for more traditional patterns. Perhaps with a bit more practice and confidence in my skills that will change.

  87. I follow via bloglovin & am so new to quilting that I haven't established a style yet.

  88. Hmm. I like modern and traditional. Thanks for the chance to win...i follow on BL-karrie smith

  89. I am a new follower by bloglovin. I consider myself a traditional quilter... and a new one!

  90. New follower via bloglovin'! I am very much like you - I design modern, sort of traditional, pieced, applique, embellished, you name it - but color is the key!

  91. I now follow by email. I think I'm a traditional quilter with modern fabrics!

  92. I am more of a traditional quilter and a new follower on bloglovin.

  93. New bloglovin follower: Nicole Sender.
    I'm a traditional quilter!


WaHoo!!! You're leaving me a comment. Thanks for stopping by and do come back again. Quilt on, Anne.