
May 16, 2016

I'm a Maker / Scott is a Maker

Today I'd like to share a pattern I bought as part of the May is for Makers campaign started by Lindsay of LR Stitched.

Painted Forest by Scott of Blue Nickel Studios . . .

I've had my eye on this pattern for some time. I love trees. I love large scale prints. I love how Scott has brought the two together in a fun, funky style. I'm thinking of making a single row of trees in a long horizontal format. I need something colorful to hang above my couch and this seems like a great fit for the space.

I first met Scott when I submitted block designs to him for Generation Q Magazine's Block Builder series. Those block submissions led to having two patterns published in the magazine. You can learn more about Generation Q Magazine here.

Flash Card was the first quilt published in the magazine. My new kitties really loved it.

Kite Tails was the second quilt published. I'm hoping to turn this one into a stand alone pattern later this year.

Scott calls himself a mad color scientist and describes his style as "urban folk - modern design".  You can see what Scott is up to on his blog, Blue Nickel Studios and on Intsagram @bluenickelstudios

Have you bought any great new patterns this month? Anything in particular that you're planning to sew this summer? Do tell.



  1. Love all the quilts you've featured here Anne! Flashcard is lovely! I'm planning a baby quilt for my new grand-baby due in August.....but need to settle on a pattern!

  2. Love the Painted Forest! Flash Card is awesome too.

  3. This is a great pattern for your May Maker purchases--it definitely looks like something you could have lots of fun with. I also love your other quilts--and good luck on the quilt patterns (a tedious job, yessiree!).

  4. I just love that photo of the kitties and the quilt - I want to take all three home! Plus the Kite tails also looks fresh and bright!

  5. Lovely fresh looking quilts in your post Ann, and I most definitely must get a hold of the the pattern for Painted Forest. I shall be looking out for your Kite Tails pattern later in the year.

  6. You design amazing quilts--I'm a huge fan. :)


WaHoo!!! You're leaving me a comment. Thanks for stopping by and do come back again. Quilt on, Anne.