I'm happy to announce that we now have a Modern Quilt Guild in Boulder, Colorado.
I was able to put my graphic design background into action designing the logo. For anyone not familiar with Boulder, the quilt blocks in the design represent the distinctive rock formations called the Flatirons on the city's western edge. Maybe I need to make a quilt with these blocks next. What do you think?
The Boulder Modern Quilt Guild is open to anyone who is interested in exploring and learning more about the modern quilting aesthetic. All ages and abilities are welcome. If you live anywhere near Boulder, come learn along with the rest of us. So far we have members from Boulder, Lafayette, Louisville, Longmont, Broomfield, Arvada, Superior and Nederland.
We host open sew days once a month where we all bring our machines and stitch away. Many of the sew days include a challenge/demo project where we learn a new block or make a small project. So far we have made a couple of zip pouches and a scrappy trip around block. Here's mine.
We are also currently working on a charity project making baby quilts.
In addition to open sews, we just had a tour of
eQuilter.com which is located in Boulder. We got a behind the scenes look at all the fabrics and how their operation works. Their selection is amazing plus they carry all the Kona solids at a great price. One of the really cool things about eQuilter is they give 2% of sales to charity. Doesn't that make you feel better about spending money on fabric? As if we need an excuse to buy fabric. Hop over and take a look around. I'm sure you'll find something tempting.
If you would like to officially join the BMQG, you need to contact Carrie Dalton (csd55@yahoo.com). Annual dues of $50 will cover open sews, Challenge Project's unusual supplies (like zippers, interfacing etc), tours, speakers, and anything else we can think of.
If you do not want to join the guild, but do want to attend Open Sews, you can pay individually for the day ($10), space allowing. Priority will go to guild members.
Here's just a few of our members holding our
triple zip pouches made from Debbie's great tutorial.
Come join us at our next sew day, Sunday July 28th, from 9:30 to around 4:30 at Alfalfas on the corner of Broadway and Canyon in Boulder. Be sure to contact Carrie (csd55@yahoo.com) if you'd like to attend.
Hope to see you there.