One of the quilts I will get to see is my very own "Rhythm & Blues" which was accepted as part of the Modern Quilt Guild Showcase. I feel very honored that it was chosen to hang along side all the other creative quilts that modern quilters are making all around the world. The whole Modern movement is really making headway into more traditional venues and best of all is introducing many new people to the joy of quilting.
At the last minute I decided to make a market tote bag, a business card holder and a lanyard.
Finished the tote bag today and love how it turned out. I used this tutorial by Monica Solorio-Snow of Happy Zombie. It's a great bag with 6 pockets on the outside. I altered it a little to fit my needs by making it bigger. Figured I would need more space for all the lovelies I hope to fill it with at Sample Spree. Now if only I could fill it with extra $$$ first so I could buy more. : )
Tonight I plan to make a business card holder for all these. I finally got real, official business cards printed up. They arrived yesterday and I'm pretty happy with how well they turned out although they are very very slick. I splurged and had a photo of my Cascade quilt printed on the back. This pattern is my best seller and still one of my personal favorites.
We'll see if I get the lanyard done. Jennifer at Ellison Lane recently had a nice little tutorial on making a double sided version that prompted me to think about it.
So these are my main WIPs for this week. Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday.
While I'm at Market, I plan to soak in all the inspiration. I'm prepared to be totally overwhelmed. And I hope my new comfort shoes will actually be comfortable. haha . . . I can hope right?
If you're going to Market, I'd love to meet you. I'll be at the Modern Quilt Guild Meet Up Saturday evening. If not, I'll be posting next week about my Market experience. Stay tuned.