I am not so good about labeling my quilts. : (
An example of one of the few labels I've done. This was a charity quilt. |
About the only time I have labeled my quilts is when it's been for a show (and therefore required) or given away as a gift. For a quilt show they want complete information right down to your phone number and address which I wouldn't normally want to advertise. But it's always good to know that they know who the quilt belongs to.
Anywhoo . . . I'm determined to change my bad habits in the way of labeling. : )
I want the labels for quilts I make for patterns and submissions to look professional. What I need is a label that will include my logo and website/email info along with the specific quilt info.
I'm thinking of using Spoonflower to print up a yard of labels with my logo and basic info along with space to write in the quilt name, pattern name and date. Julie of Jaybird Quilts has a tutorial using Spoonflower that I've been considering.
I know I could also print my own but am quite leery about running fabric through the finicky printer we have. To tell the truth I don't think the hubs would even let me use our printer. So another printing option for a professional look is what I'm after and that's where Spoonflower comes in.
I'm trying to decide what to include and would really appreciate your input.
- What size label do you use? Seriously I'm struggling with the size. Is 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 too big or not big enough when you factor in the need to hand write on fabric?
- What info do you always include? There are so many things that could be included it can become a short story in itself. These labels are mostly for quilts I'm making as part of my patterns/submissions. Perhaps to sell. Others will be gifts, charity or personal use at home.
- How do you attach your label?
- Have you used Spoonflower and if so any advice? Does it wear well when washed?
Next time I'll put this little triangle label in the upper corner so it can do double duty as a hanging corner. |
Thanks so much for sharing. Feel free to share any photos of your labels.
I'm interested to see the responses on this. I've been contemplating the label issue myself!
ReplyDeleteWhat's a label? Just kidding! They are rare, sadly!
ReplyDeleteI used to make labels for my quilts and then I stopped making them. I'm just too eager to move on to the next quilt. But when it is a sentimental quilt I will add a label. The last label I made was a couple years ago. It was for a friend, a memory quilt from her Mom's clothes. I wrote: Made with Love to My friend & her husband's name, In loving Memory of Her Mom's Name, date quilt was finished and my name.
ReplyDeleteI should label, but I rarely do. Oh well. I think my kids will get all or most of my quilts so they will know : )
ReplyDeleteI like to label my quilts, I think labelling is important and a very special addition to a quilt. A few months ago I held a label linky party on my blog. You might be interested in seeing what people had to say and share... http://heysislookwhatimade.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/label-linky.html
ReplyDeleteSometimes I forget to label. I'm pro label though. If I name a quilt I'm more likely to label it :)
ReplyDeleteAnne, I always label my quilts. And I always use Printed Treasures to make my labels. I do so because I can create the design I want, customized it for the recipient (IE: a picture of the newborn on a baby quilt), as well as add the information I choose, including a FlourishingPalms logo or palm tree, to make it whatever size I want. The only negative about PT is that you need to be judicious about filling an 8-1/2" X 11" sheet of it. You can't print just one label and then expect to run the remainder of the of sheet through the printer again. I buy my PT at a discounted price from JHittle Sewing, usually buying several packages at a time. As nice as Spoonflower fabic is (I have used it for labels) you'd have to write each label by hand (your handwriting is lovely; mine isn't that nice) and couldn't vary the size of the label.
ReplyDeleteIn 2014, I plan to add labels to anyone of my quilts I touch that doesn't already have one (probably about half of them, in my case,). Why make future family members or quilt collectors wonder about who made your quilt or why you made it?
ReplyDeleteI always try to label my quilts! Someone somewhere may want to know where their pretty heirloom came from! I have been known to embroider my labels but that does take a long time! So usually I resort to permanent marker, with my name, name of quilt, place and year. If it is quilted by someone else I include that too, just as an acknowledgement. Good luck deciding on what works for you!
ReplyDeleteI label about 90% of my quilts. Sometimes I run it through the printer, sometimes I back fabric with freezer paper and hand-write it, and other times, I just write directly on the backing. Whatever moves me at the time.
ReplyDeleteI downloaded Julie's templates, but couldn't make sense of them (you probably can, since you are a graphic designer). (I bought some fabric from Spoonflower last year, and wasn't really happy with the coloration, but I may have just gotten an "off" batch.) I have seen Julie's labels and they are wonderful looking.
Too bad you can't buy a cheaper printer for a 100 bucks at your local office place and use it for your quilting (that's what I did). I love Epson's for their inks, so yes, I always buy an Epson.
I like both of the labels you showed in your post--the heart and that spiffy triangle one. Terrific!!
I strive to label all my quilts. This doesn't always happen, though. I used to think it was somewhat immodest to label them-like blowing your own horn, but now I can see that its important for others to know, and even to remind myself in future years when I made it. At this point my labels are fairly crude, usually just written with pigma pens and sewn on. I just got a new printer for Christmas, so I'm looking forward to experimenting with it!